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      產品海報設計的難度是非常高的。如下面的教程,首先要了解清楚產品的特色,然后搜集相關的素材,再進行溶圖,把產品包含的信息都表現出來,達到一目了然的效果。 Product poster design is very difficult to design. Is shown in the following tutorial, learn first to make sure that the product characteristic, and collecting related material, and then to dissolve figure, the product contains the information, to achieve the effect of the be clear at a glance.   最終效果圖如下: The final rendering is as follows:      1、首先選擇背景素材,為什么選擇這兩張背景,因為他們幾個的透視是大概一致的。我在選素材的時候就首先考慮透視的問題。透視不對的素材不要拼一起,白色的線為視平線。 First, choose the background material and why you choose the two backgrounds, because the perspective of the two is roughly the same. When I'm picking the material, I first think about perspective. Don't spell together the wrong materials. The white line is the optic line.      2、打開人物素材,摳圖素材,工具是通道+調整邊緣。 2, open character material, cutout material, tool is channel + adjust edge.            3、初步安排好各素材的體量、透視,遠近層次等,主要的素材不夠長咋辦,裁剪和拼接。 The main material is not long, cut and spliced.                  4、光影的處理方法。 The process of light and shadow.      5、層次的調整如下,使用調色工具,將遠景進行處理,同時要考慮到黃色的夕陽對建筑的影響,需要偏暖色,融入到天空。 5, level adjustment is as follows, using the palette tool, the vision for processing, at the same time considering the sunset yellow influence on construction, need to slant warm color, into the sky.      6、加入底部光影,采用畫筆或者路徑工具,勾畫光影的面積,這樣前后的層次更明顯了。 6, add the base light shadow, use a brush or path tool, outline the area of the light shadow, so the level of the front and back is more obvious.

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