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      企業網站,是企業信息化建設的一個重要組成,起到品牌宣傳和信息紐帶的作用。但是也有很多企業做網站僅是盲目跟風,對網站制作的認識和利用并不到位。讓我們來看一下企業網站制作的常見誤區,以便能從中找到有效利用網站資源的方法。推薦:www.yanyichuanmei.com www.adingu.com www.qipaomochang.com
      Enterprise website, is the enterprise information construction is an important component, have the effect of brand publicity and information link. But also have a lot of companies do website is just blindly follow suit, understanding of website production and utilization does not reach the designated position. Let's take a look at the website of common pitfalls, so as to find effective method of using web resources. Recommendation: www.yanyichuanmei.com www.adingu.com www.adingu.com 
      1 focus on site price does not pay attention to the quality website 
      Different site production company, the price how many there will be some differences, this also caused the website quality is uneven. Some enterprises to build the request is not high, only request for the price, even lower, the better, often leads to design the website not beautiful, user experience, website too many loopholes. But these short-term interests of enterprises only pay attention to the eyes and didn't realize that a price points a points goods, exquisite unique high quality sites will bring a higher degree of customer experience, improve your sales performance. 
      2 only attaches great importance to the website design and ignores the website optimization 
      In fact, in the website construction, web design is only a first step, but the site framework, internal connection, function, content and search engine compatibility website optimization, are very important indicators. When design the website, for example, the customer request production of high-end flash animation effects, but some flash is not compatible with the mobile device, so to cause a decline in the rankings. The design of the site must be established on the basis of website optimization.

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