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      1、搜索引擎優化 Search engine optimization   通過SEO對網站自身優化,使網站的設計符合各大搜索引擎的基本標準,從而在各大搜索引擎中獲得較好的排名,以獲得較大的流量。(目前網站相關關鍵詞排名較好)。 Site SEO optimization on site itself, in order to improve the design conforms to the basic standard of the major search engines, and gain better ranking on major search engines, in order to obtain larger flow. (the relevant keywords in the site are currently ranked better.)   2、關鍵詞廣告 Keyword advertising   可以針對潛在客戶人群進行精準的投放,投放平臺可以選擇百度,谷歌,雅虎等。 You can target the potential customers with a precise target, and you can choose baidu, Google, yahoo, etc.   3、軟文推廣 3, soft language promotion   推廣文章要站到客戶角度和行業的觀點來撰寫和發布推廣,要使發布的每篇文章都能夠被各大網絡媒體和行業網站轉摘發豈有此理,以達到最好的效果。 Promotion articles to stand to customer perspective and industry from the Angle of writing and publishing, each article can be released to make major online media and industry websites ZhaiFa darned, in order to achieve the best effect.   4、活動推廣 Campaign promotion   和地方知名網站或論壇合作搞專題活動,邀請網站的會員參加,以此提高我們網站在網民中的地位,并進行活動營銷。 And the local famous website or BBS cooperation project activities, invite the site's members, in order to improve our website in the status of Internet users, and marketing activities.   5、廣告投放 advertising   在本行業網站上和地方知名論壇網站進行包月廣告的投放,要選擇性價比都比較高的網站與廣告位進行投放。 On the website of this industry and local well-known BBS website for the advertising of the month, choose the website and the advertising space that the price ratio is high.

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